Making It All Right on "Speaking of Stories." Listen to the first three chapters of Making It All Right, read beautifully by Joan Hawkins. This episode was recorded in the depths of winter, but as Joan's warm voice brings you into the two narrators' lives--picking beans, canning sweet corn in a hot kitchen, falling foolishly in love--it'll feel like August 1949 wherever you are.
Reading and conversation at Morgenstern's Bookstore! Denise, author Greta Lind, moderator Yael Ksander, and a live audience discuss what it takes to complete a novel, as well as invisible work, autobiographical dialogue, and mind-reading... Both authors read aloud from their novels near the beginning of this March 2022 event.
"Head on Arms on Table" --Denise Breeden-Ost reads her poetry on WFIU's 5-minute poetry podcast, air date Jan. 10, 2021.
"The Store Is The Garden: Reflections On Growing Enough" --Denise and Sean Breeden-Ost discuss growing, preserving, and eating good food, in an interview with Kayte Young of WFIU's Earth Eats. Audio, photos, reflections from Kayte, and a recipe! Air date Dec. 11, 2020.
"You Used to Crochet Just for This" --Denise Breeden-Ost reads her poetry on WFIU's 5-minute poetry podcast, air date March 7, 2021.
Denise's Blog--prose and poetry reflecting on owls, the pandemic, oatmeal, motherhood...
"The Stacks" --Denise Breeden-Ost reads her poetry on WFIU's 5-minute poetry podcast, air date Nov. 29, 2020.